Learn English through this fun and exciting way in nature. You will also learn and experience American culture.
Classes are 1.5 hours 4 times a month. Each class has a 10 minute snack time with American traditional food and snacks.
Each week learn English by making outdoor crafts, outdoor cooking, American BBQ, cooking projects, games and songs, stargazing, fishing, swimming, interacting with animals and so much more.
Enjoy a camp out once every 3 month (Friday night) Students will make dinner Friday night , play games, go stargazing and watch a movie outdoors. In the morning have breakfast and then play games, go fishing, bike riding and so much more. After lunch Saturday, students will return home.
Price is ¥15,000 a month. Everything is included: materials, arts and crafts, snacks, food and camp fees.
Ages 0 – adults Classes are on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursdays.
0-5 yr olds ……………………….0900 – 1030
0-5 yr olds ……………………….1430 – 1600
6-12 yr olds ……………………. 1700 – 1830
13-18 yr olds …………………..2000 – 2130
Pickup and drop off locally available.
Ervin Lawrence
AI Shimada
Hi, I’m interested in the Camp which is hold once in 3 month . Is it only for the English class member ? I want my daughter 5 years old to join but I live in Utsunomiya so I can’t go to Nasu for the class in week days . If this program is open for everyone , It would be. Wry nice !
Sorry for Late Reply. I sent you an e-mail.